"Pe umeri, pletele-i curg râu,
Mlădie-i ca un spic de grâu,
Cu şorţul negru prins la brâu,
O pierd din ochi de dragă."
[G. Coşbuc / Phoenix - Numai Una]
Mlădie-i ca un spic de grâu,
Cu şorţul negru prins la brâu,
O pierd din ochi de dragă."
[G. Coşbuc / Phoenix - Numai Una]
Because of you, an Aurora Borealis is among us...
Happy Birthday, my sweet, dear Flower. >:D< :-* >:D<. And a life full of joy and happiness, no matter where you'll be, or what you' ll do.
This is all I can give you right now...something unique, for someone unique.
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